Clip in. Let’s ride!


Magic happens in the dark room!

Our cycle studio is outfitted with Stages Indoor Bike Technology, enhanced by our stadium-style seating, expert lighting, and sound engineering, plus passionate instructors and a vibrant community.  Each class will transport you to a fully immersive fitness experience to change the way you look and feel, defy your boundaries, and enhance your journey.

Our classes include:

Cycle Fusion: Total Body – Cardio and strength training bring the best of both worlds to the bike. We start with 30 minutes of heart pumping intervals on the bike then transition to the floor with 15 minutes of target zone strength exercises. Brings the heat with weights and body weight exercises for a full body workout.

Cycle Fusion: Arms & Abs – Starting with the same half hour cardio ride, this zone-focused class targets the upper body and mid-section. Build strength by using weights and body weight exercises; add movement to stabilize the core.

Cycle Fusion: Core – After your high intensity ride, turn the focus to your core and its stabilizing muscles!  A strong core is an invaluable asset; building your mid-section will give you better balance and better posture.

Cycle 45: Performance –Hit the saddle and enjoy this 45-minute cycling class that pushes you to your physical limits and beyond. Improve athletic performance with this interval-based class that focuses on hill work, speed, and sprints for a challenging ride.

Cycle 45: Remix – This remix ride has something for everyone. Move and dance to the beat in and out of the saddle, plus crush hills and drills. This blends Rhythm & Performance together, all in one 45-minute ride. Use music to motivate your mood for the ultimate cardio challenge. Increase your strength, endurance and tap into your power through the climbs and sprints.

Cycle 45: Rhythm – Clip in and move to the beat in this 45 minute rhythm ride. This class uses music to motivate your mood for the ultimate cardio challenge. These dancing rides will include climbs and sprints, along with movements that ignite your upper body & core.

Cycle 30 – Gear up to power up! This is a 30-minute high intensity, low impact workout, to achieve fast results. This ride includes bursts of intensity, where you work as hard as possible, with periods of rest that prepare you for the next drill. The goal? Smashing your fitness goals, fast! Driving your body to burn calories for hours.